thestreetphotograph: my 8 year old nephew during dinner (light from the dining table lamp)
thestreetphotograph: my 5 year old nephew while playing cards
thestreetphotograph: E-SD Singer Dany
thestreetphotograph: trick or treat
thestreetphotograph: trick or treat
thestreetphotograph: trick or treat brothers
thestreetphotograph: Wrigley´s Spearmint Box
thestreetphotograph: Spielbank/Casino Lindau
thestreetphotograph: Lindau lion in the harbor
thestreetphotograph: Lego Greifvogel - Bird
thestreetphotograph: elementares editorial stuff at work
thestreetphotograph: Alex + Vika
thestreetphotograph: yellow flower
thestreetphotograph: Geschwisterliebe
thestreetphotograph: let me push you
thestreetphotograph: pretty sisters
thestreetphotograph: funny message?
thestreetphotograph: family phone
thestreetphotograph: father & son
thestreetphotograph: little cousin let push you
thestreetphotograph: family portrait
thestreetphotograph: Harley - Davidson
thestreetphotograph: harley brake fluid reservoir
thestreetphotograph: the orange brand
thestreetphotograph: bees dockingstation
thestreetphotograph: dying roses