syzygy_in: common jezebel - delias eucharis
syzygy_in: I can't resist - let me in - unedited
syzygy_in: ficus trees
syzygy_in: Where flowers bloom so does hope. - Lady Bird Johnson
syzygy_in: just leaves - arrow shaped
syzygy_in: young fishtail palm
syzygy_in: red beauties made into garlands- childhood memories
syzygy_in: “You cannot teach a crab to walk straight.” Aristophanes
syzygy_in: transparent beauty - delicate wonder
syzygy_in: carpet of clouds - taken from aircraft window
syzygy_in: morning walk with an egret for company - unedited
syzygy_in: see my underwing eyespots and my white spotted wing tips - am i not the prettiest thing you have seen today
syzygy_in: see my exquisite patterns -stunning seashells on black sandy beach - unedited
syzygy_in: The breath of flowers is far sweeter in the air (where it comes and goes like the warbling of music) than in the hand - Francis Bacon
syzygy_in: pop pop poppy...ready to pop....see first comment
syzygy_in: In joy or sadness, flowers are our constant friends. Kozuko Okakura
syzygy_in: Red silk cotton bugs
syzygy_in: the orange door
syzygy_in: Clerodendron Thomsoniae - bleeding heart vine..
syzygy_in: dancing peacock - the pride of the peacock is the glory of God