syzygy_in: Cassia Javanica - Apple Blossom Tree
syzygy_in: the wonderful jack fruit tree
syzygy_in: pipal tree - ficus religiosa
syzygy_in: ERYTHRINA
syzygy_in: gorgeous green thursday - kadamb
syzygy_in: For in the true nature of things, if we rightly consider, every green tree is far more glorious than if it were made of gold and silver. ~Martin Luther
syzygy_in: bunches of dates
syzygy_in: Delonix Regia- gorgeous gulmohar
syzygy_in: bottled beauty
syzygy_in: ficus religiosa - pipal tree
syzygy_in: palm silhouette - unedited
syzygy_in: unknown tree
syzygy_in: tree pathway
syzygy_in: A fool sees not the same tree that a wise man sees.- William Blake
syzygy_in: fresh and new - mango tree leaves
syzygy_in: date palm maadi
syzygy_in: i bring shade to all who come near me
syzygy_in: bottle brush tree
syzygy_in: I like trees because they seem more resigned to the way they have to live than other things do." Willa Cather
syzygy_in: canadian pine ettimadai
syzygy_in: Royal Palm - Mountain Glory
syzygy_in: If what I say resonates with you, it is merely because we are both branches on the same tree. - W.. B . Yeats
syzygy_in: maadi 058
syzygy_in: Pinus Roxbhurgii -chir pine
syzygy_in: lone palm
syzygy_in: fan palm maadi
syzygy_in: palm beach
syzygy_in: unknown tree
syzygy_in: tree silhouettes - lovely against the sky