rekabek: At Joye's birthday gathering
rekabek: Steve prepared this marvelous spread for the birthday girl
rekabek: The steps leading away from Joye and Nathan's front door
rekabek: Tim!
rekabek: Steve wearing Joye's nightgown
rekabek: An eerie afternoon at Lighthouse Field
rekabek: Ana washing dishes
rekabek: Daniel
rekabek: Me (photo by Daniel)
rekabek: Nathan (photo by Esther)
rekabek: Nathan in the freezer (also by Esther)
rekabek: Through the car window, on the way to Joye's house
rekabek: Esther looks back at me from the front seat
rekabek: Esther and Jasper
rekabek: Jasper gives his dad one of those looks
rekabek: Joye called me into the room to look at this sleeping baby