rejphoto: "Leave me alone"
rejphoto: "Who's that?"
rejphoto: "You're kidding me"
rejphoto: "Where did they go?"
rejphoto: Ta-daa!
rejphoto: Getting ready for the show
rejphoto: Contemplation
rejphoto: "Does this have trans fats?"
rejphoto: Hide and seek
rejphoto: The Thinker
rejphoto: Dolce far niente
rejphoto: "Hi there!"
rejphoto: Three wise men
rejphoto: "What are you looking at?"
rejphoto: Just relaxing
rejphoto: "Tiger, tiger, burning bright"
rejphoto: Serene but dangerous
rejphoto: Indecision
rejphoto: Conspiracy
rejphoto: "You scratch me and I'll scratch you"
rejphoto: The King is drowsy
rejphoto: "This is our best side"
rejphoto: Giraffe camouflage
rejphoto: "I love onions"
rejphoto: Old friends
rejphoto: Zzzzzzz...