-Reji: Beauty, Your Glow Never fades in My Mind..
-Reji: A Flower if it May cheer You..
-Reji: Fair As The Moon.....
-Reji: Rose SHinE
-Reji: A Rose For Today
-Reji: Always Fresh In Thoughts
-Reji: Promise
-Reji: Beauty after a Rainy Night...
-Reji: Enchanting Beauty......
-Reji: Wish You Pleasant Times, and Good Health, Wherever You are, Whatever you do.....
-Reji: “If I had a Rose for every time I thought of you, I'd be picking Roses for a lifetime.”
-Reji: Hidden Delight
-Reji: I Miss those Spring days....
-Reji: Tender Red Beauty......
-Reji: Beauty... Are You hiding in my soul..?
-Reji: Tender Rose Beauty(Shall I compare thee to Moonshine?....)
-Reji: Behold, You are Beautiful, You are Beautiful....
-Reji: Precious Treasure...
-Reji: Delight Of My Dreams.....
-Reji: Layers of Truth
-Reji: Thou art the Rose of Sharon, and the Lily of the Valleys.
-Reji: Innocence
-Reji: Rose is More Beautiful Today ....
-Reji: Beauty, Let me see your Countenance, Let me hear your voice:For sweet is your voice,and your countenance is lovely....
-Reji: Relaxing White Rose
-Reji: Rose Just For You.....
-Reji: Elegance
-Reji: A Beautiful Rose Comes to Mind Every Time I wish to Dream...
-Reji: On a Fresh and Rosy Dawn..