Beauty, Your Glow Never fades in My Mind..
A Flower if it May cheer You..
Fair As The Moon.....
Rose SHinE
A Rose For Today
Always Fresh In Thoughts
Beauty after a Rainy Night...
Enchanting Beauty......
Wish You Pleasant Times, and Good Health, Wherever You are, Whatever you do.....
“If I had a Rose for every time I thought of you, I'd be picking Roses for a lifetime.”
Hidden Delight
I Miss those Spring days....
Tender Red Beauty......
Beauty... Are You hiding in my soul..?
Tender Rose Beauty(Shall I compare thee to Moonshine?....)
Behold, You are Beautiful, You are Beautiful....
Precious Treasure...
Delight Of My Dreams.....
Layers of Truth
Thou art the Rose of Sharon, and the Lily of the Valleys.
Rose is More Beautiful Today ....
Beauty, Let me see your Countenance, Let me hear your voice:For sweet is your voice,and your countenance is lovely....
Relaxing White Rose
Rose Just For You.....
A Beautiful Rose Comes to Mind Every Time I wish to Dream...
On a Fresh and Rosy Dawn..