Layers of Truth
Come to Me in My Dreams, Oh Beauty...
My Favourite Orchid Flower
You are the Music that Lives in Me, I am United With It...
Thoughts of Thee lives deep in my Soul's Dreams......
Oh,Inspiring Wind, Make Thy Sweet Music Out of my Hollowness by your Soft Caressing strokes.....
Thinking of You on this Golden Shore of Twilight ..........
I Miss those Spring days....
Let it Wind its Music around you ...
Rowing Fishermen In Drizzles..
This is My Delight , Thus to wait and watch where Shadow chases Light....
Inside St. Stephen's Cathedral, Vienna
Audience Hall, TopKapi Palace, Istanbul
We all mould one another's dreams. We all hold each other's fragile hopes in our hands. We all touch others' hearts.
May Your Dreams Take You to The Corners of Your Most Lovely Smiles...
Here is the Time to Play Beyond The Shadows..
Lovely Orchid....
My Sweet Rose