rejectamenta: A1: assemble 5 sheets of recycled paper - various sies from A3 to A5
rejectamenta: B2: take one sheet and fold in half like this (A)
rejectamenta: C3: fold each half side in half again to the centre fold and then open out
rejectamenta: D4: your sheet of paper should now look like this. There are 3 folds - A, B and C.
rejectamenta: E5: now take each corner and fold carefully towards the first quarter fold - B and C.
rejectamenta: F6: when folded all 4 corners should look like this. Make sure none of them fold over the folds B and C.
rejectamenta: G7: now fold over the outer quarter sections towards the centre fold (A).
rejectamenta: H8: when both sides are folded it should look like this.
rejectamenta: I9: now fold the hole piece over so it looks like this
rejectamenta: J10: take each top corner between your finger and thumb and fold over towards you by about 1-2 cm.
rejectamenta: K11: when the section is folded over make sure the fold is very crisp. There should now be a little triangle shape in each top corner.
rejectamenta: L12: Fold the bottom 2 corners up and feed into the 2 triangles in the top corners.
rejectamenta: M13: fold the page in half and it should look like this.
rejectamenta: N14: Fold all the other pages in the same way to make a stack. Order them so the smallest is on top.
rejectamenta: O15: carefully position a staple gun along the centre folds.
rejectamenta: P1040811
rejectamenta: P1040815
rejectamenta: P16: try and fit at least 3 staples in to keep all the pages secure. If you are good at sewing you can stitch the pages together instead of using staples.
rejectamenta: Q17: your final book will look like this. You are now ready to fill it with rejectamenta or bits of your own work.
rejectamenta: Rejectamenta Pocket Books - two different covers for different projects.
rejectamenta: Rejectamenta Resource 1: various clothing tags
rejectamenta: Rejectamenta Resource 1: various clothing tags
rejectamenta: Rejectamenta Resource 1: various clothing tags - detail
rejectamenta: Rejectamenta Resource 2: various luggage labels
rejectamenta: Rejectamenta Resource 2: various luggage labels
rejectamenta: Rejectamenta Resource 2: various luggage labels - detail
rejectamenta: Rejectamenta Resource 3: various pieces of ephemera from trip to New Zealand via Singapore - detail.
rejectamenta: Rejectamenta Resource 3: various pieces of ephemera from trip to New Zealand via Singapore.
rejectamenta: Rejectamenta Resource 3: various pieces of ephemera from trip to New Zealand via Singapore.