reidspice: inside the sw office
reidspice: chris dave chris at the cube
reidspice: cw and paul at the suga cube
reidspice: after work drinks at the ha ha
reidspice: palace
reidspice: palace
reidspice: after work drinks at the ha ha
reidspice: brighton cafe
reidspice: brighton streets
reidspice: brighton architecture
reidspice: cw and paul on the way to dinner
reidspice: our morning coffeeshop
reidspice: our walk to work
reidspice: brighton streets
reidspice: thai tapas on our walk to work
reidspice: class in the pub
reidspice: sam in the pub
reidspice: class in the pub
reidspice: class in the pub
reidspice: class in the pub
reidspice: class in the pub
reidspice: class in the pub
reidspice: dinner
reidspice: tha suga cube
reidspice: neil maddy cw dave
reidspice: neil maddy cw dave
reidspice: reid maddy cw dave
reidspice: dave ck reid (sortof)
reidspice: meter man
reidspice: tin man