reidspice: family night jan 1980 - puzzle (note snoopy in new tails)
reidspice: dinner at the kirgis house
reidspice: graham at waddell
reidspice: gregory town from the air
reidspice: march 1980
reidspice: march 1980
reidspice: march 1980
reidspice: decorating easter eggs
reidspice: mock convention parade 1st grade, age 6 1/2
reidspice: waiting for the mock convention parade
reidspice: pony ride
reidspice: skipping stones
reidspice: building a fort in the front yard at 526 jackson, march 1980
reidspice: backyard playhouse
reidspice: backyard circus
reidspice: in colorado for the summer
reidspice: kids in trees
reidspice: graham rides a pony
reidspice: gordon, ann, hermann
reidspice: spice family, kids in superman shirts, in front of the 1972 plymouth valiant
reidspice: first day of kindergarten 8.25.80
reidspice: reid hansel & gretl waddell
reidspice: Barkenquasts, xmas 1980
reidspice: laying a finger inside of his nose..
reidspice: reading the night before christmas
reidspice: nativity set