Reid2008: Movie at McCurry Park
Reid2008: Movie at McCurry
Reid2008: Movie at McCurry
Reid2008: Movie at McCurry Park
Reid2008: Movie at McCurry
Reid2008: Movie at McCurry
Reid2008: Movie at McCurry
Reid2008: Movie at McCurry
Reid2008: Movie at McCurry
Reid2008: Movie at McCurry
Reid2008: Movie at McCurry
Reid2008: Movie at McCurry
Reid2008: Movie at McCurry
Reid2008: Star 94FM
Reid2008: Star 94FM
Reid2008: Setting up the Movie Screen
Reid2008: Movie Screen
Reid2008: Movie Screen
Reid2008: Inflated - Lying Face Down
Reid2008: People watching the progress
Reid2008: Almost Ready
Reid2008: Up it goes!
Reid2008: The Screen and the Crowd
Reid2008: Movie at McCurry Park
Reid2008: The gathering of the crowd
Reid2008: The gathering of the crowd
Reid2008: Night falls
Reid2008: The movie is ready to start
Reid2008: Glow Sticks!
Reid2008: Some of the people who attended!