REGOR NOTPUL: North wall layup
REGOR NOTPUL: First wall up
REGOR NOTPUL: Framing north wall
REGOR NOTPUL: Wind brace on north wall
REGOR NOTPUL: North wall standing
REGOR NOTPUL: Framing west or back wall
REGOR NOTPUL: Framing a window
REGOR NOTPUL: Nailing in a wind brace
REGOR NOTPUL: Three walls up front to go
REGOR NOTPUL: Top plate work
REGOR NOTPUL: Framing the other front door
REGOR NOTPUL: Framing for front door
REGOR NOTPUL: Sheeting on the front
REGOR NOTPUL: Packing down at day's end
REGOR NOTPUL: Walls up; roof to follow
REGOR NOTPUL: Typar started
REGOR NOTPUL: Typar at back window
REGOR NOTPUL: Typar window and door
REGOR NOTPUL: Typar south wall
REGOR NOTPUL: Typar corner
REGOR NOTPUL: Typar North Wall
REGOR NOTPUL: Typar Northeast Corner
REGOR NOTPUL: Tpar and sheeting front
REGOR NOTPUL: Typar and strapping Northeast Corner
REGOR NOTPUL: Roof nearly strapped
REGOR NOTPUL: Roof strapping and work station
REGOR NOTPUL: Roof East End Gables complete
REGOR NOTPUL: Roof Ladder on east Gable
REGOR NOTPUL: Roof Gable end going on
REGOR NOTPUL: Roof Doug and Jay between lifts