Special Projects Bureau: SPEARS test flight payload box
Special Projects Bureau: Anthony Stirk, Dave Akerman and Neil Barnes
Special Projects Bureau: Inflammable? Just a bit
Special Projects Bureau: Lester poses with the hydrogen
Special Projects Bureau: Neil with the payload
Special Projects Bureau: Neil and Anthony prep the kit
Special Projects Bureau: SPEARS board and payload box
Special Projects Bureau: Neil connects the igniter
Special Projects Bureau: Dave keeps a safe distance
Special Projects Bureau: Igniter connected
Special Projects Bureau: Anthony connects the balloon fill hose
Special Projects Bureau: Dave starts the fill
Special Projects Bureau: Inflating the balloon
Special Projects Bureau: Dave with the inflated orb
Special Projects Bureau: Lester boards the rescue boat
Special Projects Bureau: At the dock in Shoreham
Special Projects Bureau: The view from the shore
Special Projects Bureau: Leaving Shoreham harbour
Special Projects Bureau: Neil Barnes heads out to sea
Special Projects Bureau: We return empty-handed