The Library of Congress:
[Man looking though bins of records at a record store] (LOC)
The Library of Congress:
[Georgetown University students looking through racks of records at a record store, Washington, D.C.] (LOC)
The Library of Congress:
[Christmas shopper looking at a Speed Queen automatic clothes dryer in a department store, possibly with a salesperson] (LOC)
The Library of Congress:
[Man with shopping cart, in tool area of Hechinger's lumber and hardware store, speaking to an employee, Washington, D.C.] (LOC)
The Library of Congress:
[Women with shopping carts, one with a baby, in the baked goods section of a Giant food store in Washington, D.C.] (LOC)
1957 transporter manual graphic
pilllpat (agence eureka):
Flambo jaune
pilllpat (agence eureka):
mcepinal voiture
pilllpat (agence eureka):
Camion Le Progres
pilllpat (agence eureka):
cabriolet rouge
pilllpat (agence eureka):
pilllpat (agence eureka):
la jeep
pilllpat (agence eureka):
station service
pilllpat (agence eureka):
le kiosque
pilllpat (agence eureka):
dec auberge
pilllpat (agence eureka):
la route 1
pilllpat (agence eureka):
tuilbriques 72
pilllpat (agence eureka):
atomoeil boite b
The Galerie Fitzroy:
Anonymous Norev Miniature Cars
Ye Old Hobby Mart, The Record Room, and Downtown Theatre on the north side of Portage Ave. 1970's.
1957 transporter manual graphic
pilllpat (agence eureka):
findfault solut