regardsgerard: Connamara Pony with her day-old foal
regardsgerard: Assinine
regardsgerard: Watch the cam.... pony!
regardsgerard: Tommy Welsh
regardsgerard: Day old Foal with his Mum, Connamara Pony
regardsgerard: Ladybird
regardsgerard: Sheepgate
regardsgerard: Hoarfrost With Sheep
regardsgerard: Garden Snail, Helix aspersa
regardsgerard: Baby Spiders
regardsgerard: Donkey and Foal
regardsgerard: Red Admiral (Open Wing)
regardsgerard: Protective Mother
regardsgerard: Neighbours Tom Cat
regardsgerard: Galway Man with a Horse Outside.
regardsgerard: Grazing in June
regardsgerard: Wicklow Lamb
regardsgerard: Bella Donna, first appearance on the world wide web.