stephraaa: texture
stephraaa: this flower is all over rome
stephraaa: forno
stephraaa: sunshine reflection
stephraaa: medusa
stephraaa: barb wires
stephraaa: Grass and Trees
stephraaa: sombra tropical
stephraaa: Idylle - closer up
stephraaa: Grass and I
stephraaa: reflections
stephraaa: donkey skonks door
stephraaa: das schwein ludwig
stephraaa: boden
stephraaa: boden
stephraaa: boden
stephraaa: boden
stephraaa: weindeckel geflechte
stephraaa: u bahn muster
stephraaa: u bahn muster
stephraaa: gitter
stephraaa: gitter
stephraaa: berliner biennale - tastatur
stephraaa: berliner biennale - maschiene
stephraaa: brussels airport
stephraaa: brussels airport
stephraaa: light above the jungle
stephraaa: calle 14
stephraaa: se suplica no anunciar
stephraaa: shoe and blue windows