reflectification: Clouds Open Up Above to Reveal Machu Picchu
reflectification: This Was Difficult to Take in All at Once
reflectification: Intihuatana
reflectification: Luz Divina
reflectification: Shadowed Wall
reflectification: Pedruscos y Turistas
reflectification: Templo de las Tres Ventanas
reflectification: Good Overview of the Site in One Shot
reflectification: Terraced Amphitheater
reflectification: LLama Lawn
reflectification: Overlook of Machu Picchu & Huayna Picchu
reflectification: Herd of LLamas
reflectification: Machu Picchu
reflectification: Piedra, Humano, y LLama
reflectification: Stone All the Way to the Heavens
reflectification: River Valley
reflectification: Machu Picchu Desde Huaynu Picchu
reflectification: Afternoon Clouds
reflectification: House and Giant Boulder
reflectification: Árbol y Huaynu Picchu