reflectification: Statuette of the Virgin Mary and Mosque Tower / Estatua del Virgen y Torre de una Mezquita
reflectification: Descending from the Mosque
reflectification: Mickey Molesting the Dog
reflectification: Boat and Mosque
reflectification: Mosque on the Hill
reflectification: Mickey Tries to Make Contact
reflectification: Curiosity Killed the Dog
reflectification: Man & Dog
reflectification: The Kids in the Hall
reflectification: Puppies on the Stairs
reflectification: Lookout Cat
reflectification: From the Roof
reflectification: Lines & Dog
reflectification: Imperial Mosque
reflectification: Stairway to Heaven
reflectification: Picture or Video 139
reflectification: Sloples & Mosques
reflectification: Picture or Video 131