Refidnas: New Arrival
Refidnas: A.D. 1924
Refidnas: Paul Green's Cabin
Refidnas: Fractal Chaos
Refidnas: Quiet
Refidnas: Worse Than Its Bite
Refidnas: Island Life
Refidnas: A Non-rolling Stone Gathers Plenty of Moss
Refidnas: Close to the edge, down by the river.
Refidnas: I still remember the talks by the water.
Refidnas: Still Life with Grey Card
Refidnas: Alloy Steel
Refidnas: Push, friend, and enter.
Refidnas: Stones of Years
Refidnas: But I Would Not Feel So All Alone . . .
Refidnas: Voodoo Chile
Refidnas: Now you're like me.
Refidnas: Anything that happens before that is just progress.
Refidnas: Under New Management
Refidnas: White Star
Refidnas: The Walkway Building
Refidnas: No More Windows
Refidnas: Posted - No Trespassing
Refidnas: Everything That Rises Must Converge
Refidnas: Industry
Refidnas: U.S. Mail
Refidnas: Natural Habitat
Refidnas: Downtown Durham Post Office
Refidnas: Looks like rain.
Refidnas: I can see clearly now, the rain is gone.