Reelene: Parade for lunar new year
Reelene: Espresso with postcard
Reelene: Your city light bookstore
Reelene: Miss Bar?
Reelene: Rainy day, a postcard for u :)
Reelene: little cable car time 妳的叮叮車~
Reelene: Ur little cable car
Reelene: 棉花糖 on my way to stanford
Reelene: Hello Sealion
Reelene: Tranquil moment
Reelene: Morning DC
Reelene: Dark choc
Reelene: Cupcake @ magnolia bakery
Reelene: Hot choc
Reelene: Your starry night
Reelene: Apple again, MOMA later
Reelene: Lovely grand central
Reelene: SOHO Apple
Reelene: Hot choc morning
Reelene: Apple @ big apple
Reelene: Cozy photo afternoon
Reelene: MUJI NYC
Reelene: Grey's papaya
Reelene: 雪不用这么大吧
Reelene: sound of silence
Reelene: my little heart
Reelene: Lego time