Redwood National and State Parks:
Blechnum spicant (Deer Fern) Zig-Zag Trail1
Redwood National and State Parks:
Blechnum spicant (Deer Fern) Zig-Zag Trail1
Redwood National and State Parks:
Adiantum aleuticum (Maidenhair Fern) Foothill Trail
Redwood National and State Parks:
Adiantum aleuticum (Maidenhair Fern) Fern Canyon
Redwood National and State Parks:
Tsuga heterophylla (Western Hemlock) on redwood - north of Big Tree (2)
Redwood National and State Parks:
Tsuga heterophylla (Western Hemlock) Foothill Trail
Redwood National and State Parks:
Tsuga heterophylla (western Hemlock) Brown Creek Trail
Redwood National and State Parks:
Rubus parviflorus (Thimbleberry) Prairie Creek Trail
Redwood National and State Parks:
Rubus parviflorus (Thimbleberry) Elk Prairie Trail
Redwood National and State Parks:
Rosa ssp. (native rose subspecies) Elk Prairie Campground
Redwood National and State Parks:
Pseudotsuga menziesii (Douglas Fir) [bark] West Ridge Trail
Redwood National and State Parks:
Visitor under twin big leaf maple. Peterson Loop
Redwood National and State Parks:
Ranger With Visitor On LBJ Grove Bridge
Redwood National and State Parks:
Visitors on Prairie Creek
Redwood National and State Parks:
Ranger On Lady Bird Johnson Trail
Redwood National and State Parks:
Trillium Falls
Redwood National and State Parks:
Trillium Falls
Redwood National and State Parks:
Triilium Falls
Redwood National and State Parks:
Trillium Trail Flora
Redwood National and State Parks:
Visitors at Trillium Falls Trail
Redwood National and State Parks:
Redwood Burls & Fire scar
Redwood National and State Parks:
Nurse Logon Trillium Falls Trail
Redwood National and State Parks:
Nurse Log at Trillium Falls Trail
Redwood National and State Parks:
Maidenhair Ferns. Hiouchi Trail
Redwood National and State Parks:
Gnarly redwood and hemlock
Redwood National and State Parks:
Fisheye two Redwoods. Stout Grove
Redwood National and State Parks:
Redwood National and State Parks:
Redwood National and State Parks:
Trillium Falls Trail Footbridge
Redwood National and State Parks:
Donars bench with plaque