Redwood National and State Parks:
Roosevelt Elk
Redwood National and State Parks:
Pacific Side-band Snail
Redwood National and State Parks:
Roosevelt elk herd
Redwood National and State Parks:
Roosevelt elk males
Redwood National and State Parks:
Anaxyrus borealis (Boreal Toad)
Redwood National and State Parks:
Dicamptodon tenebrosus (Coastal Giant Salamander)
Redwood National and State Parks:
Pseudachris regilla (Pacific Chorus Frog)
Redwood National and State Parks:
Taricha granulosa (Rough-skinned Newt)
Redwood National and State Parks:
Aphriza virgata (Surf Birds)
Redwood National and State Parks:
Ardea herodias (Great Blue Heron)
Redwood National and State Parks:
Callipepla californica (California Quail)
Redwood National and State Parks:
Colaptes auratus (Northern Flicker)
Redwood National and State Parks:
Cyanocitta stelleri (Stellar's Jay)
Redwood National and State Parks:
Haematopus bachmani (Black Oystercatcher)
Redwood National and State Parks:
Larus occidentalis (Western Gulls)
Redwood National and State Parks:
Poecile rufescens (Chestnut-backed Chickadee) fledgling
Redwood National and State Parks:
Tringa flavipes (Lesser Yellowlegs) Crescent Beach
Redwood National and State Parks:
Enderts Beach
Redwood National and State Parks:
Sealion remains @ Hidden Beach
Redwood National and State Parks:
Redwood Creek (mouth)
Redwood National and State Parks:
Freshwater Beach near mouth of Redwood Creek (REDW)