red wissel: how b spends his time now
red wissel: nothing but trouble
red wissel: up to no good
red wissel: b on the ferry
red wissel: me and b at the beach
red wissel: b happy about his record purchase
red wissel: b shopping for tunage
red wissel: IMGP5732
red wissel: IMGP5731
red wissel: IMGP5663
red wissel: out on the town
red wissel: BFF's
red wissel: awesome views from atop the islands
red wissel: putting things together
red wissel: bdriving
red wissel: put up your dukes
red wissel: friends
red wissel: good times
red wissel: posing
red wissel: chillin like a villian
red wissel: loungin
red wissel: salute
red wissel: portrait
red wissel: smile
red wissel: what?
red wissel: hanging around the city
red wissel: hanging around the city