Red Warriors Vietnam - 1/12th Infantry:
001_Enrout LZ EMERY Chu Pa Mountains Prep fires complete copy
Red Warriors Vietnam - 1/12th Infantry:
001a_Chu Pa Mts on way to LZ EMERY
Red Warriors Vietnam - 1/12th Infantry:
1SG Marconi viewing the mess LZ EMERY copy
Red Warriors Vietnam - 1/12th Infantry:
002_Effects of bombs and artillery on jungle copy
Red Warriors Vietnam - 1/12th Infantry:
003_LZ EMERY view from helo before occupying it copy
Red Warriors Vietnam - 1/12th Infantry:
004_LZ EMERY created by adaisy-cutter-like this
Red Warriors Vietnam - 1/12th Infantry:
005_Day 1 Arrival fires still burning LZ EMERY copy
Red Warriors Vietnam - 1/12th Infantry:
006_B4-42FA Arrival LZ EMORY copy
Red Warriors Vietnam - 1/12th Infantry:
007_Day 1 Arrival fires still burning LZ EMERY (2) copy
Red Warriors Vietnam - 1/12th Infantry:
008_The mess we arrive to at LZ EMERY copy
Red Warriors Vietnam - 1/12th Infantry:
009_Day 1 Another view of the mess LZ EMERY copy
Red Warriors Vietnam - 1/12th Infantry:
010_LZ EMERY Contact Fire Mission copy
Red Warriors Vietnam - 1/12th Infantry:
011_LZ EMERY High Angle fire contact mission (1) copy
Red Warriors Vietnam - 1/12th Infantry:
012_LZ EMERY High angle fire copy
Red Warriors Vietnam - 1/12th Infantry:
013_B4-42FA LZ EMERY Digging in FDC copy
Red Warriors Vietnam - 1/12th Infantry:
014_Smoldering fire down the hillside LZ EMERY (1) copy
Red Warriors Vietnam - 1/12th Infantry:
015_Smoldering fire down the hillside LZ EMERY (2) copy
Red Warriors Vietnam - 1/12th Infantry:
016_LZ EMERY - Water finally arrives copy
Red Warriors Vietnam - 1/12th Infantry:
017_ 1st nite Fire still burning at LZ EMERY copy