redvette: Fall in New Brunswick
redvette: Fall in New Brunswick
redvette: Logan on a pumpkin
redvette: The Big Patato
redvette: Pumpkins and Fall
redvette: Lots of Pumpkins
redvette: Lois and the Big Patato in Maugerville NB
redvette: Pumpkins and Fall
redvette: Pumpkins and Fall
redvette: Pumpkin and Fall
redvette: Pumpkins and Fall
redvette: Lois at the Country Pumpkin
redvette: My Grandson with his turkey hat he made in school
redvette: October Scenery
redvette: A calm river in October
redvette: My grandson
redvette: An October afternoon
redvette: Logan and nature at their best