RedShoesTalk: Stella White Balance cropped_2828
RedShoesTalk: PSA 3 Portrait _2464
RedShoesTalk: Morning Steps More Exposure PSA2_1682
RedShoesTalk: Morning Steps PSA2_1682
RedShoesTalk: PSA Trees Assignment 1 Changes_1286
RedShoesTalk: photo silly advanced 1_1286
RedShoesTalk: photo silly 1.2_1465
RedShoesTalk: PSA 6 unfocused_2604
RedShoesTalk: PSA 7 Silly Self Portrait
RedShoesTalk: PSA #8-9 Same but Different_4358
RedShoesTalk: PSA #8-9.2 Electric Poles DSC09097_3169
RedShoesTalk: Yellow and Black white balance edit_4499
RedShoesTalk: Yellow and Black original_4499