redshift1960: duke 8 weeks
redshift1960: duke enjoying the sun
redshift1960: Duke looking mischievous
redshift1960: duke asleep in the kitchen
redshift1960: Duke looking rather regal
redshift1960: Duke Blue Merle Border Collie pup aged 8 weeks old
redshift1960: Duke 9 weeks
redshift1960: I'll just grab five mins
redshift1960: You can't beat a good steak
redshift1960: "who me!....I didn't dig it!"
redshift1960: duke in the sun
redshift1960: Duke on rabbit lookout
redshift1960: duke pretty boy
redshift1960: Duke Border Collie
redshift1960: 'Stop who goes there'
redshift1960: Duke & merlin chase games
redshift1960: duke 2
redshift1960: duke 3
redshift1960: duke 5
redshift1960: duke in the sunlight
redshift1960: Merlin & Duke - stand off!
redshift1960: duke asleep after a hard days play!
redshift1960: it's a dogs life
redshift1960: Duke...thinking...?
redshift1960: what you lookin at!
redshift1960: duke stairs asleep
redshift1960: Duke stairs - 'it wasn't me!'