the red rocket: Porthmawr House aka Downton Abbey
the red rocket: The view from the lawn
the red rocket: Statuesque
the red rocket: Cragspotters approach Table Mountain
the red rocket: Table Mountain
the red rocket: Wibbly wobbly on the ascent
the red rocket: Stav and Tricky
the red rocket: Em and Jo
the red rocket: Crickhowell, from Table Mountain
the red rocket: Steve, Caroline and Helen
the red rocket: Stav, Tricky, Jo and Em
the red rocket: Where we walked from...
the red rocket: Jo and Caroline, into the light
the red rocket: Dinner time
the red rocket: More dinner time
the red rocket: Who's the strange man?
the red rocket: The pegmeister
the red rocket: The pegmeister's prey
the red rocket: Attack of the pegmeister
the red rocket: Maria attempts a coin trick on Sean
the red rocket: Caroline, Claire, Maria and Sean
the red rocket: Sean, Adam, Steve and Jo
the red rocket: Stav, Helen, Elaine, Em and Paul
the red rocket: Jo and Phil aka pregnant and full-up
the red rocket: Secret Santa time
the red rocket: Present delivery time
the red rocket: Secret Santa delivery