the red rocket: Morris dancing at Jack of the Green in Hastings
the red rocket: Morris dancers
the red rocket: Drummers
the red rocket: Voodoo Moris Dancers
the red rocket: Voodoo Moris Dancers lining up
the red rocket: Voodoo Moris Dancers
the red rocket: CHiPs-style LAPD bike
the red rocket: Batman-style bike
the red rocket: Batman-style bike
the red rocket: Silver trike
the red rocket: Big tyres
the red rocket: Biker dude
the red rocket: Firey paintjob
the red rocket: Look at the forks on that one...
the red rocket: A 4 wheeled bike...
the red rocket: A mini bike
the red rocket: Fantastic War of the Worlds paintwork
the red rocket: "The chances of anything coming from Mars are a million to one, he said"