the red rocket: Ladybower reservoir
the red rocket: Karen and Steve
the red rocket: Heroic climbers, kind of
the red rocket: Ladybower heather
the red rocket: Climbing (ahem)
the red rocket: Karen, Steve and Jo
the red rocket: Back Tor on Derwent Edge
the red rocket: Steve, the torist
the red rocket: Munch-time
the red rocket: "Take that!"
the red rocket: "Oops, did someone see me?"
the red rocket: Tree tunnel
the red rocket: Jo is smoked out
the red rocket: Steve, the meat man
the red rocket: Barbecues. They're so macho.
the red rocket: Sausages and marinade
the red rocket: Veggie skewers
the red rocket: Trough time
the red rocket: Mat strategically placed near the food
the red rocket: Tucking in
the red rocket: Kasia, enjoying the limelight - sort of
the red rocket: Dave, Mike, Fi, Elaine and Chris
the red rocket: "Just a wafer thin slice for me"
the red rocket: What an Eton mess
the red rocket: Log book review
the red rocket: "Fi, you can never be too careful"
the red rocket: Log book entry 22092010
the red rocket: Mat contemplates
the red rocket: Froggatt Edge
the red rocket: Helen and Karen