redrobot5052: The Hotel we stayed at was also GM's HQ. It's also the largest Hotel in the U.S.
redrobot5052: Detroit's architecture is wonderful.
redrobot5052: We're outside of the taxi for 5 minutes at the convention center, and there are cops going nuts already. Sheesh.
redrobot5052: Look at how empty the streets are for the middle of the day. Even Pittsburgh or D.C. would have more activity on a Sunday.
redrobot5052: A world famous boxer.
redrobot5052: While waiting for our rooms to be ready, we all surfed reddit on the free wireless.
redrobot5052: The people mover: Reminding you the average american's ass size has grown since the invention of High Fructose Corn Syrup in the 70s
redrobot5052: Empty Parking lot is empty. This place feels like a ghost town.
redrobot5052: Artwork on a crumbling building
redrobot5052: Caption For This Photo: Detroit Public Swimming Pool
redrobot5052: Sean humors me.
redrobot5052: One of my more lively photos.
redrobot5052: Another people mover shot. That's Detroit Stadium in the distance.
redrobot5052: Again, I like Detroit's architecture. This place must have really been a bustling metropolis in its heyday.
redrobot5052: Lost Sean is Lost.
redrobot5052: Dig the water tower.
redrobot5052: Our Health Insurance company. TIL they're also one of the bigger employers in Detroit.
redrobot5052: Our people mover stop. It's like the PRT for downtown Detroit.
redrobot5052: The water tower zoomed in.
redrobot5052: eContent Team Photo after the booth was set up.
redrobot5052: The old Firestation across the street
redrobot5052: Mantech Dinner.
redrobot5052: Another team dinner pic