redpolkadot: palace of justice
redpolkadot: roof details
redpolkadot: roof details
redpolkadot: roof of the palace of justice
redpolkadot: statues
redpolkadot: justizpalast (palace of justice)
redpolkadot: statues on roof
redpolkadot: gathering place
redpolkadot: mini bellagio
redpolkadot: another view
redpolkadot: watch for the rainbow
redpolkadot: relief from the heat
redpolkadot: DSC03892
redpolkadot: fresh fruits
redpolkadot: apricots etc
redpolkadot: fresh fruits (ii)
redpolkadot: ship-shape
redpolkadot: the cathedral
redpolkadot: close up of towers
redpolkadot: flowers everywhere
redpolkadot: DSC03917
redpolkadot: street signage
redpolkadot: st michael's
redpolkadot: understated grandeur
redpolkadot: DSC03903
redpolkadot: DSC03904
redpolkadot: DSC03899
redpolkadot: baubles and a bald head
redpolkadot: new town hall
redpolkadot: the new town hall