ruth_doyle: yard-butterfly
ruth_doyle: back of yard butterfly
ruth_doyle: beetle bug
ruth_doyle: back-of-butterfly
ruth_doyle: butterfly
ruth_doyle: side-butterfly
ruth_doyle: swan-tail-butterfly
ruth_doyle: DSC_0940
ruth_doyle: butterfly
ruth_doyle: blue-butterfly
ruth_doyle: spider
ruth_doyle: spider
ruth_doyle: Pretty green beetle on flower
ruth_doyle: DSC_0085
ruth_doyle: dragonfly
ruth_doyle: Dragonfly... I think
ruth_doyle: firefly party
ruth_doyle: firefly party
ruth_doyle: firefly
ruth_doyle: fly in my car
ruth_doyle: fly in my car
ruth_doyle: Dragonfly
ruth_doyle: Blue dragonfly
ruth_doyle: Hollyhock with beatle
ruth_doyle: Lady bug in my room
ruth_doyle: Lady bug
ruth_doyle: Ants on wildflower
ruth_doyle: DSC_0058
ruth_doyle: busy bee