squeakybb: Soup Nazi
squeakybb: Homemade fire pit.
squeakybb: Megan painting on a pumpkin.
squeakybb: Crow-pire? Vamp-bird?
squeakybb: At least my fangs are cool.
squeakybb: Blow-up doll!
squeakybb: Priest.
squeakybb: A priest and a Nazi walk into a bar...
squeakybb: Sandwich snake.
squeakybb: Vampire Nazi
squeakybb: Vampire Priest
squeakybb: Rawr.
squeakybb: Impression of my cat.
squeakybb: Vampire Nazi with monacle.
squeakybb: Megan was sad about having to leave.
squeakybb: Mallow roast.
squeakybb: Don't shake a flaming marshmallow.
squeakybb: How'd that get in there?
squeakybb: Fire, bitches.
squeakybb: Happy Nazi.
squeakybb: Chillaxin'.
squeakybb: Bored-ish.
squeakybb: O NOES! U HAS A BURNED!
squeakybb: Suicidal grasshopper.
squeakybb: Mr. Bill in gourd form.
squeakybb: Oh, no!
squeakybb: Distancing himself from the torture.
squeakybb: MY ASS IS ON FIRE!
squeakybb: Oh, what a world...what a world...
squeakybb: Pumpkins roasting on an open fire...