redisant: Joshua Tree formations
redisant: Joshua Tree
redisant: Joshua Tree
redisant: Joshua Tree
redisant: Routes for the climbing
redisant: Getting prepped to climb Playhouse Rock
redisant: Dave walks up a 5.4
redisant: Dave going to setup toprope
redisant: Private Property. What a shame.
redisant: Climbing about to commence
redisant: Rapping down. Ready to climb
redisant: From the top of Playhouse Rock
redisant: From the top of Playhouse
redisant: my trusty belayer
redisant: Private Property... such a shame
redisant: South of Playhouse
redisant: Playing at Playhouse Rock
redisant: Yucca
redisant: Joshua Tree
redisant: Joshua Tree
redisant: Playhouse Rock
redisant: The Eye of Cyclops
redisant: Tear duct
redisant: Dave coiling
redisant: Ryan Mountain
redisant: Joshua Tree Lanscape
redisant: The Eye
redisant: The Eye
redisant: Hidden Valley Campground
redisant: The all seeing eye