redisant: Campfire, Night 1 Gunks
redisant: Campfire, Night 1 Gunks
redisant: Rob: "Put the camera away! There's climbing to be done!"
redisant: View from the carriage road
redisant: Heading to High E
redisant: Some guy leading Bunnie 5.4
redisant: Gunks cliff
redisant: The Team
redisant: Maybe Rain?
redisant: View from the carriage road
redisant: Lot's 'o copperheads
redisant: Lot's 'o copperheads
redisant: Lot's 'o copperheads
redisant: Lot's 'o copperheads
redisant: Lot's 'o copperheads
redisant: Lot's 'o copperheads
redisant: Rob Leads High Exposure 5.6 - First Pitch
redisant: Rob Leads High Exposure 5.6 - First Pitch
redisant: Rob Leads High Exposure 5.6 - First Pitch
redisant: Rob Leads High Exposure 5.6 - First Pitch
redisant: Millipede - sooo many at the gunks
redisant: Millipede - sooo many at the gunks
redisant: Millipede - sooo many at the gunks
redisant: Millipede - sooo many at the gunks
redisant: Rob Leads High Exposure 5.6 - First Pitch
redisant: Rob Leads High Exposure 5.6 - First Pitch
redisant: Rob Leads High Exposure 5.6 - First Pitch
redisant: Rob Leads High Exposure 5.6 - First Pitch
redisant: Rob Leads High Exposure 5.6 - First Pitch
redisant: Rob Leads High Exposure 5.6 - First Pitch