REDImei.: stencil-sniper
REDImei.: groundhog
REDImei.: torn down
REDImei.: puerta apocalypse
REDImei.: puerta
REDImei.: dali on the parking lot
REDImei.: fish on the wall
REDImei.: business center roof three
REDImei.: business center roof two
REDImei.: business center roof
REDImei.: no mear aqui...
REDImei.: the rabbit from the "place"
REDImei.: pop art and tears
REDImei.: la leche! milk 31%
REDImei.: exploitation city
REDImei.: tele head
REDImei.: gagarin, belka and strelka / astronaut
REDImei.: dedication: orange revolution / ukraine
REDImei.: the king
REDImei.: russian painters
REDImei.: bug two
REDImei.: container is someone´s home
REDImei.: graffiti illustrative detail
REDImei.: graffiti illustrative detail
REDImei.: graffiti illustrative detail
REDImei.: illustrative graffiti
REDImei.: graffiti apocalypses painted over
REDImei.: graffiti apocalypses chapter two
REDImei.: graffiti apocalypses