Redheadwondering: a lovely evening on Martin Down
Redheadwondering: tiny umbellifer gone to seed
Redheadwondering: a lovely evening on Martin Down with a view of the church
Redheadwondering: sunlight on webs on a fence
Redheadwondering: sunlight on webs on Martin Down with lensflare
Redheadwondering: golden trees on Howgare Road
Redheadwondering: sunset rays and flares
Redheadwondering: sunset comes to Cranborne Chase
Redheadwondering: sunlight through leaves
Redheadwondering: sunlight on webs
Redheadwondering: a tiny scabious
Redheadwondering: bee and napweed
Redheadwondering: tiny umbellifer gone to seed
Redheadwondering: sunlight on webs on Martin Down with lensflare
Redheadwondering: sunset comes to Cranborne Chase #2
Redheadwondering: looking back down Howgare Road
Redheadwondering: sunset fence
Redheadwondering: sunset rays and flares
Redheadwondering: sunlight through leaves ... explored! Thank you!!