Redheadwondering: beech trunks
Redheadwondering: rusty post and gate
Redheadwondering: the tiny oak again
Redheadwondering: rusty gate and post
Redheadwondering: through the dead to living
Redheadwondering: through the living to the dead
Redheadwondering: fieldfares take flight
Redheadwondering: a tiny oak
Redheadwondering: through to the winter garden
Redheadwondering: in the winter garden
Redheadwondering: cream tea
Redheadwondering: skeletal willows
Redheadwondering: in the winter garden again
Redheadwondering: manually squashed
Redheadwondering: up the garden steps
Redheadwondering: imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete
Redheadwondering: mum's good luck charms
Redheadwondering: i love turquoise
Redheadwondering: in the red
Redheadwondering: reflecting branches and trees
Redheadwondering: clock and shadow
Redheadwondering: more of those ruffled tulips
Redheadwondering: in the rockery
Redheadwondering: saxifrage
Redheadwondering: climbing clematis
Redheadwondering: ruffled petals
Redheadwondering: hawthorn blossom
Redheadwondering: soft whites and yellows