Redheadwondering: she's leaving
Redheadwondering: the village that fell into the sea
Redheadwondering: substation
Redheadwondering: between the mossy trunks
Redheadwondering: moss up close
Redheadwondering: mossy bank
Redheadwondering: and then there was the view going down
Redheadwondering: old anchor
Redheadwondering: old anchors dripping rust
Redheadwondering: twisted trunks
Redheadwondering: sunlight and shadow in the bosky woods
Redheadwondering: Westbury White Horse
Redheadwondering: Squirrel!!!
Redheadwondering: feet like hands
Redheadwondering: just two steps to the sea
Redheadwondering: you lookin' at me?
Redheadwondering: stormy clouds on the horizon
Redheadwondering: wet feathers ... young gull in the rain
Redheadwondering: and here comes the rain