Redheadwondering: Torquay blue fence 2
Redheadwondering: Torquay blue fence 1
Redheadwondering: steps lead down to a rainbow cove
Redheadwondering: thru the diamond fence
Redheadwondering: she forgot her dress
Redheadwondering: reds and blues
Redheadwondering: rusty fence leads to the beach
Redheadwondering: more steps to the beach
Redheadwondering: that Teignmouth fence 5 this time with a wall
Redheadwondering: that Teignmouth fence 4
Redheadwondering: that Teignmouth fence 3
Redheadwondering: that Teignmouth fence 2
Redheadwondering: that Teignmouth fence 1
Redheadwondering: thru the fence to the tracks below 3 here comes the train
Redheadwondering: thru the fence to the tracks below 2
Redheadwondering: thru the fence to the tracks below 1
Redheadwondering: gull and blue fence 3 do not feed
Redheadwondering: gull and blue fence 2 watching me
Redheadwondering: gull and blue fence 1
Redheadwondering: spiky fence
Redheadwondering: fences, flood and flexuous fields
Redheadwondering: One Hundred Steps from my Front Door 114 Pictures in 2014 #100
Redheadwondering: barbed wire horse hair_DxOFP Pure Gold intesity 132
Redheadwondering: chains and rust
Redheadwondering: a safety fence that looks none too safe
Redheadwondering: higgledy piggledy fence
Redheadwondering: higgledy piggledy fence up close
Redheadwondering: Welcome to the Corvid Cafe ... please form an orderly queue on the fence!!!!
Redheadwondering: Meadow Pipit on a fence
Redheadwondering: Skylark on a fence