Feathers and Scales:
Phidippus putnami (Immature)
Feathers and Scales:
Phidippus audax
Feathers and Scales:
Phidippus audax
Feathers and Scales:
Phidippus audax
Feathers and Scales:
Ant-mimic Jumping Spider
Feathers and Scales:
Bagheera prosper
Feathers and Scales:
Bronze Jumping Spider
Feathers and Scales:
Zebra Jumping Spider
Feathers and Scales:
Colonus sylvanus
Feathers and Scales:
Ant-mimic Jumping Spider
Feathers and Scales:
Hentzia mitrata
Feathers and Scales:
Twinflagged Jumping Spider
Feathers and Scales:
Colonus sylvanus (Female)
Feathers and Scales:
Habronattus coecatus
Feathers and Scales:
Eris militaris
Feathers and Scales:
Platycryptus undatus
Feathers and Scales:
Bronze Jumping Spider
Feathers and Scales:
Eris militaris
Feathers and Scales:
Platycryptus undatus
Feathers and Scales:
Eris sp. Jumping Spider
Feathers and Scales:
Eris sp. Jumping Spider
Feathers and Scales:
Habronattus coecatus
Feathers and Scales:
Platycryptus undatus (Male)
Feathers and Scales:
Colonus sylvanus
Feathers and Scales:
Eris sp.
Feathers and Scales:
Phidippus putnami
Feathers and Scales:
Phidippus putnami
Feathers and Scales:
Paraphidippus aurantius
Feathers and Scales:
Paraphidippus aurantius
Feathers and Scales:
Paraphidippus aurantius