Feathers and Scales:
Southern Unstriped Scorpion
Feathers and Scales:
Eastern Ribbon Snake
Feathers and Scales:
Lyssomanes viridis (Female)
Feathers and Scales:
Lyssomanes viridis (Female)
Feathers and Scales:
Hibana gracilis
Feathers and Scales:
Eastern Garter Snake
Feathers and Scales:
Tigrosa georgicola (Female)
Feathers and Scales:
Blinded Sphinx Moth
Feathers and Scales:
Northern Copperhead
Feathers and Scales:
Green Salamander
Feathers and Scales:
Green Salamander In Situ
Feathers and Scales:
Red Milk Snake
Feathers and Scales:
Eastern Box Turtle
Feathers and Scales:
Cave Salamander
Feathers and Scales:
Common Musk Turtle
Feathers and Scales:
Jumping Spider
Feathers and Scales:
Wolf Spider
Feathers and Scales:
Mississippi Slimy Salamander
Feathers and Scales:
Northern Spring Salamander
Feathers and Scales:
Midland Water Snake
Feathers and Scales:
Fowler's Toad
Feathers and Scales:
Spring Peeper
Feathers and Scales:
Gray Rat Snake
Feathers and Scales:
Northern Black Racer
Feathers and Scales:
Northern Red Salamander
Feathers and Scales:
Spring Peeper
Feathers and Scales:
Spring Peeper
Feathers and Scales:
Blue Ridge Spring Salamander
Feathers and Scales:
Platycryptus undatus
Feathers and Scales:
Eastern Tiger Salamander