Eleanor Lang: Thrills in the fog
Eleanor Lang: untitled shoot-062.jpg
Eleanor Lang: untitled shoot-046.jpg
Eleanor Lang: untitled shoot-052-2.jpg
Eleanor Lang: Inside Cyclone maintence area
Eleanor Lang: untitled shoot-035.jpg
Eleanor Lang: Angles of the Wonder Wheel
Eleanor Lang: untitled shoot-086.jpg
Eleanor Lang: Snow at Coney Island
Eleanor Lang: Dense fog on the boardwalk, with snow
Eleanor Lang: Inside Deno's Wonder Wheel park
Eleanor Lang: Polar Bear Plunge
Eleanor Lang: Double portrait of women
Eleanor Lang: Winter Swimmer, Triumphant
Eleanor Lang: Eager to exit the frigid water
Eleanor Lang: untitled shoot-032.jpg
Eleanor Lang: Properly attired for the Polar Bear plunge
Eleanor Lang: New Polar Bear member
Eleanor Lang: untitled shoot-008-2.jpg
Eleanor Lang: Shuttered storefronts, Coney Island boardwalk
Eleanor Lang: E is for Elephant
Eleanor Lang: One of these items is doesn't belong
Eleanor Lang: untitled shoot-096.jpg
Eleanor Lang: Colorful wall in winter
Eleanor Lang: Shuttered pinball arcade
Eleanor Lang: Benches in the boardwalk, in snow
Eleanor Lang: Picnic tables by Nathan's on the boardwalk, awaiting opening day
Eleanor Lang: Woman enjoying off season solitude
Eleanor Lang: untitled shoot-108.jpg
Eleanor Lang: untitled shoot-002.jpg