BWRedRover: Immortal Phalanx of the Zeta Legion (BW)
BWRedRover: Immortal Terrokhan of the Zeta Legion (BW)
BWRedRover: Immortal Head-Hunters
BWRedRover: Immortal Legionnaires of the Zeta Legion (BW)
BWRedRover: Fright Knight of the Immortal Empire: Zeta Legion (BW)
BWRedRover: Sir Sorrow of the Immortal Empire: Zeta Legion (BW)
BWRedRover: The Joyful Reaper of the Immortal Empire: Zeta Legion (BW)
BWRedRover: The Zeta Shard and his War Babes (BW)
BWRedRover: Attila Shard & Scurvy Shard