red.dahlia: occam's razor.
red.dahlia: hold on for one more day.
red.dahlia: and you're shinng like the brightest star.
red.dahlia: no one's gonna love you more than I do.
red.dahlia: no one's gonna love you more than I do.
red.dahlia: a pocket is no place for a smile anyway.
red.dahlia: you wandered in and now i'm caught.
red.dahlia: i put my thing down, flip it and reverse it.
red.dahlia: "If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it is, infinite."
red.dahlia: five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes.
red.dahlia: outtake
red.dahlia: bubbles and ... um...
red.dahlia: if i don't let myself be happy now, then when?
red.dahlia: submission.
red.dahlia: i got nobody on my side.
red.dahlia: King Jeremy, the wicked.
red.dahlia: Pleased to meet you, hope you guess my name.