RedCrossNY: Joachim Scherer DSC_2594
RedCrossNY: IMG_3899 Getting ready to board the bus
RedCrossNY: IMG_3893 Marathon Runner
RedCrossNY: IMG_3895
RedCrossNY: 106793 Boarding the bus
RedCrossNY: 0434 marathon dinner
RedCrossNY: 0439 pre-marathon dinner
RedCrossNY: P1240435 pre-marathon dinner
RedCrossNY: IMG_3922 Command Vehicle
RedCrossNY: NY Red Cross Mobil Command Unit
RedCrossNY: IMG_3917 Red Cross worker
RedCrossNY: IMG_3916 Volunteers
RedCrossNY: IMG_3913 Spotters
RedCrossNY: He won't be alone for long--Richard Gallis
RedCrossNY: IMG_8664 Spotter Team
RedCrossNY: DSC_0405 Jose, Oonagh, Joann
RedCrossNY: IMG_8729 Kelly McKinney
RedCrossNY: 2013113 Spotters
RedCrossNY: IMG_3931 Spotters
RedCrossNY: IMG_3929 Spotters
RedCrossNY: IMG_8672 Spotter Team
RedCrossNY: DSC_2137 Spotter team
RedCrossNY: DSC_2119 spotter team
RedCrossNY: DSC_2111 spotter team
RedCrossNY: DSC_2105 Jet Blue team
RedCrossNY: DSC_2136 spotter team
RedCrossNY: DSC_2183 spotter team
RedCrossNY: IMG_8689 Spotter team
RedCrossNY: DSC_2169 Spotter team