Red Cathedral [ Official ]:
Ailuridae (Red panda / Little panda / Catbear)
Red Cathedral [ Official ]:
“The Eagles are coming!” A LOTR-moment that still gives me goosebumps
Red Cathedral [ Official ]:
Ailuropoda melanoleuca or Giant Panda named Tian Bao who's 6th birthday we celebrated last thursday
Red Cathedral [ Official ]:
The former petting zoo in Pairi Daiza
Red Cathedral [ Official ]:
When the Bengal tiger sleeps
Red Cathedral [ Official ]:
South of heaven (Bilzen)
Red Cathedral [ Official ]:
Bizkit Park (tribute band)
Red Cathedral [ Official ]:
Tequila & metal in Bilzen
Red Cathedral [ Official ]:
The crane
Red Cathedral [ Official ]:
Das Gesicht ist die Seele des Körpers. (Ludwig Wittgenstein)
Red Cathedral [ Official ]:
How bears sleep
Red Cathedral [ Official ]:
The stork's nest
Red Cathedral [ Official ]:
When you order lacked duck at the Chinese restaurant.. this is that same cute & careless bird
Red Cathedral [ Official ]:
Panda Tian Bao is unaware that it's his 6th birthday
Red Cathedral [ Official ]:
Silent Hill? Or had somebody her 10th knee surgery today?
Red Cathedral [ Official ]:
Lecture by wildlife photographer Martin Schelfhaut before a Sony photowalk
Red Cathedral [ Official ]:
Microscopic flowers
Red Cathedral [ Official ]:
Don't ever forget that a panda is a bear
Red Cathedral [ Official ]:
When a duck disguises itself as a flamingo
Red Cathedral [ Official ]:
I'm double the bird you'll ever be (Testing the Sigma 150-600mm Sports)
Red Cathedral [ Official ]:
The fastest escape route
Red Cathedral [ Official ]:
Guardian dragons
Red Cathedral [ Official ]:
A tiny yet functional steamtrain
Red Cathedral [ Official ]:
When the 1st panda skins were sold to European traders, none believed these originated from 1 animal but were rather skilfully stitched together
Red Cathedral [ Official ]:
In the old days rooftops told stories
Red Cathedral [ Official ]:
I can stick my tongue and you can't do anything about it
Red Cathedral [ Official ]:
Macaca fuscata or Japanese macaque
Red Cathedral [ Official ]:
My view from the office on the thursdays of April-May-June
Red Cathedral [ Official ]:
Wishing all homophobes a wonderful Pride month
Red Cathedral [ Official ]:
5th Avenue Hasselt.. with the wheelchair