Red Cathedral [ Official ]: The most innocent looking cat in the world [ Kiwi ]
Red Cathedral [ Official ]: Kiwi, the Norwegian forestcat
Red Cathedral [ Official ]: Waiting for the train in the Age of Covid-19
Red Cathedral [ Official ]: Shopping in the age of Covid-19
Red Cathedral [ Official ]: Jumping on the bandwagon of remote portrets during the lockdown & discovering that the selfie cam on cellphones should not be used for this.. anyway: " Vacation selfies in the age of Covid-19 "
Red Cathedral [ Official ]: Solitary walks in Nature are still allowed in times of lockdown #corona2020 #lockdown2020
Red Cathedral [ Official ]: if you like to read: take away.. small solidarity actions during the Corona virus lockdown #lockdown2020 #corona2020
Red Cathedral [ Official ]: And Jesus wept #corona2020
Red Cathedral [ Official ]: The cemetaries are filling up fast during this Covid-19 crisis. For Europe this is the most deadly Spring since the end of World War 2 #corona2020 #lockdown2020
Red Cathedral [ Official ]: Pole-dancing in the garden?
Red Cathedral [ Official ]: Enchanted forests of Belgium
Red Cathedral [ Official ]: Colours of Spring
Red Cathedral [ Official ]: Bedankt verpleegsters, artsen, kinderbegeleiders, chauffeurs, politie #lockdown2020 #corona2020
Red Cathedral [ Official ]: The lock down combined with beautiful Spring weather.. enjoy your daily solowalk if that's allowed in your country.
Red Cathedral [ Official ]: Re'act - Vijf voor twaalf voor onze Planeet en haar Oceanen (by Koen Nelissen)
Red Cathedral [ Official ]: Knee-brace boudoir
Red Cathedral [ Official ]: Kasteel Bisschoppenhof
Red Cathedral [ Official ]: Re'hearse zonder publiek by Koen Nelissen #lockdown2020
Red Cathedral [ Official ]: Remember the fallen #corona2020
Red Cathedral [ Official ]: The cathedral of "Re'flect" by Koen Nelissen
Red Cathedral [ Official ]: No matter what viral pandemic plagues the humans, Nature & Spring continue to color the planet
Red Cathedral [ Official ]: The solitary life during the Covid-19 lockdown #coronavirus
Red Cathedral [ Official ]: Good luck to all in surviving the Corona times!
Red Cathedral [ Official ]: How to use the A7SIII with an APS-C / Super 35mm lens?
Red Cathedral [ Official ]: How to use the A7SIII with an APS-C / Super 35mm lens?
Red Cathedral [ Official ]: Kasteel Bisschoppenhof, Deurne
Red Cathedral [ Official ]: Queen of the staircase.. and wide surroundings [ Kiwi Lepoil ]