redbike.really: And we're off.
redbike.really: They got good type.
redbike.really: Staten Island Ferry
redbike.really: Love this orange
redbike.really: My favorite icon
redbike.really: Staten Island Ferry
redbike.really: Perfect weather for the Staten Island Ferry (boat, check)
redbike.really: Stephen on the Highline
redbike.really: Candace on the Highline
redbike.really: Highline
redbike.really: Highline
redbike.really: the Standard.
redbike.really: Love this people
redbike.really: Love these people too!
redbike.really: Grandma Eileen
redbike.really: Joe and Stephen
redbike.really: Hurry and wait
redbike.really: The once grand Paddock Arcade, Watertown, NY
redbike.really: Lafargeville library = Internet
redbike.really: Stephen's mom's barn
redbike.really: Baby Lucas and his new cow, Raleigh.
redbike.really: Lucas and Raleigh
redbike.really: Four-wheelin'
redbike.really: Wendell and his new grandbaby, Lucas
redbike.really: Queen's Ann's lace
redbike.really: Donna and Wendell
redbike.really: Donna and Wendell
redbike.really: Thousand Islands Bridge
redbike.really: Stephen's Uncle Peter, off the St. Lawrence